An enormous collection of past copies of the Guardian and Observer magazines is a starting point for most of the collages.
A country walk, a photo, a visit to an art gallery, an abstract construct – somehow an idea begins to take shape.
The first stage is to draw in pencil the outer frame and to delineate the main areas of the picture.  Often the final version differs substantially from this first sketch, but usually the overall structure remains intact.
Paper is cut or torn from the magazines.  The contrast between areas of the picture which are composed of torn pieces and those made of cut paper seems important. Have a look at the pictures in close-up to see these contrasts.
Plain blocks of colour are often used but these are juxtaposed with more textured areas.  Photos of food, landscape and text always help to bring a collage to life.
The collages rely on the amazing ability of the human eye to make sense of pattern and to create meaning.  Look closely and you’ll see a jumble of cut-outs of furniture, pizza, the blemished skin of a TV actor or the hackneyed text of a holiday advertisement.  Step back to enjoy the sun setting over the sea below the white cliffs of the South Downs. It’s a transformation which gives lasting pleasure to the eye.
Each collage has a caption telling of the origin of the artwork and explaining some of the secrets of the artistic process.

Choose a genre on the right to start exploring.